For the First Sketch Up Task, 2 More sections had to be drawn
the two words are already included in the previous post.
This is the 2nd Sketch up Task requiring to start on a new design.
The two words i chose for the artists is "collision (above ground)" and "Contemporary (underground)".
This design reflected a chain of thoughts. The three towers used to illustrate collision was first inspired through a biblical illusion of trinity. As much as we see magnificant temples in Greece that gradually break down over a prolong duration, a rather symbolic structure was used illustrate the relationship between man and God. The spiral staircase within the cylindrical structure itself symbolizes a process in which man takes to reach the sky and the God above. However, the design not only considers the material and texture collision, bibical structures and religious structures often occur in styles that are no longer or rarely employed. Thus a further collision between the the past and the present is made. Inorder to prevent the building from becoming obsolete it must have a purpose in the future, hence the collosium design is employed to feature the possible use as a sport stadium for example. The collossium design is also slightly modified with a glass transparent performance ground as a interlink between the past (above ground) and the contemporary (underground). Theoretically, performances can be seen by views both above and below ground level. The stair sizes are designed slightly larger such that they may act as seats for the viewing audience. Helicopters can land on the towers, if not otherwise it can be used as an observatory tower.